Our Lady of A Barca pilgrimage (romaría da Virxe da Barca) is an ancient celebration of divine worship (its antiquity is in line with the first chapel’s foundation date, around the XI or XII century), which still continues to gather thousands of worshippers from all over the world who visit the Sanctuary to shake the Oscilating Stone (Pedra de Abalar) and pass under the Kidney Stone (Pedra dos Cadrís), which are thought to have curative properties and call on people’s solidarity. You can also visit the Lovers Stone (Pedra dos Namorados) and the Rudder Stone (Pedra do Temón).
At the same time, another festivity was created, parallel to the religious celebration, making A Barca Pilgrimage become the most important in the Death Coast (Costa da Morte) and a meeting point for young people that go in thousands to Muxía on Saturday night to dance and enjoy a unique atmosphere, full of joy, until dawn. That is why, every year, curious scenes can be seen, when people that return from the festivities mix with the people that go to the Sanctuary’s liturgical ceremony.
A Barca Pilgrimage is celebrated on the second Sunday of September, except when this second Sunday falls on the 8th. Then it passes on to the following Sunday, which falls on the 15th. This is why the following saying exists: “A Barca pilgrimage does not go under nine or over fifteen” (referring to the Sunday of A Barca celebration).
The festivity process begins with the celebration of the Novena, which is very popular with the inhabitants. On the last day of the Novena, the Friday of A Barca, assistance increases due to pilgrims who, fulfilling their promise, come on foot from their places of origin.
Lady of A Barca Sanctuary, Muxía town. Muxía, A Coruña