This route could also be called the route of the three estuaries of the South Death Coast (Costa da Morte). The Camariñas estuary where you begin, the visitor can take pleasure in the marine scenery and natural spaces where there is an abundance of aquatic birds.
In the next estuary, Corcubión, the journey begins in Cape Fisterra going towards the mouth of the River Xallas, the only European river that falls into the sea creating a waterfall. The route passes along Mount Pindo and goes towards Carnota beach, known for its length and for one of the biggest granaries in Galicia, a national monument, which competes in size, with another one that can be found in Lira.
The third and last estuary, Muros and Noia, you can enjoy a natural space in Louro and a 15th Century convent in San Francisco. In Muros, historic village, an interesting old zone is preserved with small squares and houses with balconies or galleries.
- Circular route by car.
- Route:
- Muxía.
- Cape Touriñán.
- Nemiña.
- Lires.
- Church of Saint María of As Areas, Fisterra.
- Church of Saint María of A Xunqueira, Cee.
- Ézaro waterfall and Pindo summit.
- Carnota.
- Lira.
- Louro and San Francisco beaches.
- Church of Saint María of O Campo, Muros.
- Muxía.
- Longitude:
- 160 kilometres.
- Dificulty:
- Low.
- You need 1 day for the visit.
- Initial and final point: Muxía.